How to edit the details of a recipient?

Recipient details can be edited from both the App and the Web dashboard

From the App:

Follow the steps below: 

  1. From the Pickup section, tap on the recipient name whose details are to be modified.
  2. Go to the Recipient Details tab and tap on the recipient name.
  3. Tap on the Edit option at the top right corner.
  4. Now the user can choose to edit the recipient name, email, unit, phone number, home address and also link him to any group.
  5. Alternate email, name & phone number can also be added to the recipient's record.


From the Web dashboard:

Follow the steps below: 

  1. From the dashboard, go to the Recipients tab.
  2. Click on the name of the recipient whose details are to be edited.
  3. Now the user can choose to edit the recipient name, email, unit, phone number, home address and also link him to any group.
  4. Alternate email, name & phone number can also be added to the recipient's record.
  5. Once, the recipient details are edited click on the Save Recipient button.




The recipient whose details are manually edited from the app or the web dashboard doesn't get updated when an updated CSV is uploaded.

In case of any difficulty, reach out to us at and we will be glad to assist you.