You can easily add multiple recipients in a single go by using the 'Upload CSV' feature from the web dashboard. You can also upload multiple recipients to different locations by using a single .CSV template.
Uploading to a Single Location
To add recipients in bulk via CSV to a single location, follow the steps given below:
1. Click on 'Recipients' from the side menu of the web dashboard.
2. Click on the 'Add' button at the top right and select 'Upload CSV' from the dropdown menu.
3. Next, you can just upload your recipient CSV by pressing the "Upload File" button, or, you can download our CSV template to get an idea of the data you can upload to Receive.
Note: The 'Name' and 'Email' fields are required fields in your CSV so we can notify your recipients of their packages.
4. Once you have clicked on 'Upload File'. You can either 'select locations' from the dropdown menu, or select 'Extract Locations From File' for the system to auto select the building for which the recipient data is being uploaded.
5. Drag the respective file containing the recipient data into the 'Upload CSV' drag box and then click on 'Upload'. You can also click on the box to browse for a file.
6. On the 'Mapping' section, we will automatically map the 'Name' and 'Email' columns in your CSV file to the columns in our Database. You can simply select what database column you want to map your CSV column.
7. Successfully mapped columns will turn blue with a checkmark. If a column cannot be mapped to your choice, it will turn red with a cross. We do this to avoid uploading numbers to name fields etc.
8. On the 'Review' tab, any errors detected in certain entries on your CSV will be highlighted. You can choose to fix these issues and then upload your CSV file or you can also skip uploading the entries with errors and Continue.
9. Next, you can choose to either Merge or Overwrite your CSV.
- Merging will add the entries to the already existing ones. Overwriting will replace all entries with new entries from the file.
- Once you select your desired option, click on 'Continue' to finish uploading, after which your recipients should start showing up.
Uploading to Multiple Locations
To add recipients to multiple locations using a single .CSV file, follow the steps given below:
1. Click on 'Recipients' from the side menu of the web dashboard.
2. Click on the 'Add' button at the top right and select 'Upload CSV' from the dropdown menu.
3. Click on 'Download Template' and then select 'Multiple Location Template' from the dropdown menu to download a sample .csv.
4. Once you have the multiple location .csv template, you can fill in your recipients and their details.
Note: The .CSV will map and upload recipients to a specific location according to the code filled in the 'Location Code' column against each recipient. You can view your location code from the 'Locations' section of the web dashboard. The upload process will prioritize 'Location Code' over 'Location Name'.
5. Once you have filled out your .CSV file, click on 'Upload File' at the top right.
6. Select the 'Extract Locations from File' option in the popup box.
7. Drag and drop your .CSV file, you can also click on the box to upload a file.
8. On the 'Mapping' section, we will automatically map the 'Name' and 'Email' columns in your CSV file to the columns in our Database. You can map the 'Location Name' and 'Location Code' fields by selecting the corresponding fields against them in the dropdown menus.
9. On the 'Review' tab, any errors detected in certain entries on your CSV will be highlighted. You can review the location to which each recipient is being added and can choose to fix any issues found.
10. Choose whether you would like to 'Merge' or 'Overwrite' the new CSV and click on 'Upload'.
11. Once uploaded, you can review your upload history on the 'File History' section. Hovering over the highlighted numbers in the 'Updated' column will give you an overview of the uploaded recipients via the .CSV.
In case of any difficulty, reach out to us at and we will be glad to assist you.