How to notify multiple recipients about an item?

Multiple people can receive notifications for a recipient's item by adding their emails as alternate emails for the recipient. Alternate emails help by keeping more than one person notified about a single item.

To add alternate emails, follow the steps provided below:

1. From the 'Check Out' section of the app, choose the recipient whose items need to be notified to multiple people.

2. Go to the recipient details.

3. Scroll down and tap on the Right Add Button button next to 'Alternate Emails' and type in the email.

4. Once done, tap on 'Update Recipient' to add the alternate email. Now, all item notifications will be sent to the primary email as well as all the alternate emails.


Note: You can add more than one alternate email for a recipient. 

In case of any difficulty, reach out to us at and we will be glad to assist you.