How to scan an item?

You can scan In-Bound or Out-Bound items by tapping on the shutter icon at the bottom center of the app.

To scan inbound items, follow the steps provided below:

1.  Tap on the shutter icon icon at the bottom center of the app.

2.  'Scan Inbound' is the default scan mode, you can change scan mode by tapping on the Switch collector icon at the top right of the screen.

3.  Scan the desired item by taking a photo of the item label. Make sure that the 'text' and 'barcode' prompts are highlighted in green. 

Note: Up to 50 items can be scanned in one go, once you have scanned the items, they will move into either the Complete or Scan Issues tab in the Pending section of the app. 


To scan Outbound items, follow the steps provided below:

1. Tap on the shutter icon icon at the bottom center of the app.

2. Choose 'Scan Outbound' by tapping on the Switch collector icon at the top right of the screen.

3. Scan the desired item by taking a photo of the item label. Make sure that the 'text' and 'barcode' prompts are highlighted in green. 



Completed Scans

When the app has successfully picked up the Barcode and Text from the item label, it will automatically link the scanned item to its correct recipient, and move to the Complete tab in the Pending section.

You can tap on an item to edit its details such as adding notes, labels, or locations. 

Once the item has been edited, tap on 'Notify' to check in the item and notify the recipient of its arrival.

In case of any difficulty, reach out to us at and we will be glad to assist you.