What was released on October 7th, 2024?

Web Portal: (Version 1.4.4)

  1. Ability to filter Analytics, Items, Recipients, and User Tabs by multiple locations.
  2. Ability to print  Internal labels from the item details on the ‘Items’ and ‘Pending Items’ Tabs
  3. Ability to revert item statuses
  4. Ability to edit the revision email sent to recipients
  5. The ability for Recipients to make ’Pick Up” and ‘Delivery’ Requests from the Connect Portal
  6. The ability for admins to manage ‘Pick Up’ and ‘Delivery’ request options
  7. The ability for admins to configure the number of additional photos that can be taken. Minimum 3 & Maximum 10.
  8. Ability to view the driver’s chain of custody and history for the multi-hop flow within the Item Details

Mobile Apps: (iOS Version 1.0.41(1) & Android Version 1.2.32)

  1. Ability to view the ‘Pick Up’ & ‘Delivery’ Flags against a Recipient Request
  2. Bugs fixes and improvements.